Executive Director’s Commentary
By Don Eversmann, F240000
January 2002
Once again, the new year brings a new membership directory inside Family Motor Coaching magazine. You’re holding the latest version of the “big book” that we carry with us in our motorhomes all year.
I have learned to appreciate the Membership Directory issue of the magazine more each year. To FMCA members, it is an essential publication that contains much more than a January magazine and a directory of the FMCA membership. Both of these elements are important, but don’t overlook the added value found within the pages of this issue of the magazine. Look it over closely now and be sure to keep it in a special place for reference as needs arise.
Each year this publication details your up-to-date member benefits. You can read all about them fully, not just in the outline form that appears in each issue of the magazine, and refer to these descriptions when needed.
This issue of the magazine also includes articles that put some of the more complex insurance benefits — FMCA’s Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance, FMCA’s Deductible Reimbursement Insurance Plan, and MEDEX Plus — into language that we laymen can understand. This issue includes a form (page 215) that can be signed and placed with your personal insurance papers to inform your beneficiary of the Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance coverage. In addition, a claim form for the Deductible Reimbursement Insurance Plan appears on page 219. On page 209 you’ll find paper MEDEX Plus “cards” with instructions and necessary information that can be cut out, laminated, and kept handy in case you need emergency transportation.
Also within this directory are articles that describe the procedures for using FMCA’s Mail Forwarding Service and FMCA’s Traveler’s Message Service.
The Membership Directory includes two listings of family members — one by number and the other by membership name. In addition, it includes a Chapter Directory that lists every FMCA chapter and its officers, and lists the name of an individual you can contact from each chapter to learn more about that chapter. The Chapter Directory also is published each year in the August issue; updates are published several other times throughout the year. Individuals interested in joining a chapter have a wealth of information here to help them link up. “Would You Like To Join A Chapter?,” a listing that appears five times a year in the magazine, contains an invitation from chapters interested in recruiting new members.
The Membership Directory also lists FMCA members who have indicated the desire to provide assistance to other members. They’ve offered to lend their support and hospitality to fellow members in four different ways as they travel through their community. Stop-Over Spot indicates that fellow members are welcome to stop over at the volunteering member’s home for a 24-hour emergency stay. Come Visit indicates that FMCA members are welcome to visit the volunteering member’s home for a 24-hour friendship stay, unless they are invited by the host member to stay longer. Mechanic’s Helper indicates that if an FMCA member’s coach breaks down along the road in a volunteering member’s area, the volunteer is available to assist him or her in locating quality local service. Pinch Hit Driver indicates that if an FMCA member encounters an emergency while on the road that prevents him or her from driving the coach, the member may request the assistance of a fellow member to drive the motorhome to a chosen destination at the owner’s expense.
The Membership Directory also provides a chart that lists motorhome regulations, and it includes a list of public-operated sanitary disposals that are available throughout the United States.
And last, but certainly not least, the January Membership Directory provides an up-to-date version of the FMCA Business Service Directory. The Business Service Directory is a listing of all FMCA commercial members, their addresses, and services or products offered. The listing is published twice each year, in January and June. You will find that it is now very user-friendly, and I think you will be pleased with its new structure and layout. The Business Service Directory was first published in this format in June 2001, and this is the first time that it has appeared in the January Membership Directory in this format.
Please join me in carrying this edition of Family Motor Coaching with you as you travel. Instead of multiple booklets, pamphlets, and documents detailing the specifics of membership, FMCA has seen fit to incorporate this information into one volume that is updated annually. Because of its size, you should be able to find it easily in your motorhome when you need to refer to it.
I hope your membership in Family Motor Coach Association will provide you with assistance and support as you enjoy your motorhome. FMCA’s programs and benefits have been specifically selected to support you and me as motorhome owners.
As 2002 begins, I wish you all safe and enjoyable travels.