Built-In Flagpole
Here’s an idea for a built-in flagpole to display your flag on your motorhome while parked. Sew a sleeve on your flag and slip it over your motorhome’s CB whip antenna. To put the flag on, simply bend the antenna down.
Thaddeus Wyka, F125791
Clifton, New Jersey
Toilet Protection
While our motorhome is in storage, we cover the toilet bowl with plastic cling wrap (Handy Wrap, Saran Wrap, etc.). It keeps the water from evaporating and a ring from forming in the bowl. This also works well in the home while you’re away in the motorhome.
Walter R. & Alice M. Zingre, F98116
Leesburg, Florida
Painted Valance
The rose brocade valance in our motorhome’s bedroom clashed with the Florida Keys look I wanted. This decorating dilemma was easily remedied by purchasing fabric paint at a craft store. The project was easy, inexpensive, and not messy. I also painted the fabric on the headboard.
Barbara Meyer, F254542
Islamorada, Florida
Snap Lifter
We have a solar screen that attaches over the windshield and front windows of our motorhome with snap fasteners. We made an “unsnap tool” using an outdated plastic card (we recommend using an old membership card, not a credit card). I cut a notch approximately 1/2-inch deep with a radius that fits around the snap base. To release the snap, we just insert the card under the snap and use a lever action. This tool has saved many of our fingernails.
Charles Spencer, F259946
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