Executive Director’s Commentary
By Don Eversmann, F240000
December 2005
I hope that you have been enjoying family and friends as you experience another holiday season. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and we look forward to the Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s feasts and festivities. Unfortunately for some, this year may not seem like something to celebrate, because of the record numbers of hurricanes and tropical storms that have devastated homes and communities. We have heard from some members, both family and commercial, who have suffered considerable damage to their homes and businesses, and others feel blessed to have received only minor damage. At times like this, we realize that life is the most valuable commodity we all have, and life needs to be protected at all costs. It is still very hard to lose material possessions “” treasures we have collected over the years.
The outpouring of support and caring that we have seen across our countries has been tremendous. For that I am grateful as we bring this year to a close. Too often we are caught up in our own personal lives and do not think about the needs of others. Tragedies such as those experienced this year truly bring out the best in all of us. Hopefully, no matter how the events of this year have impacted you and your family, you can find a silver lining and find reasons to be grateful and thankful.
Motorhomers celebrate the holidays in a variety of ways. Some, in the more traditional manner, will stay in their local communities and share the holiday time with family and friends. Others will need to travel to be with their loved ones. Sharon and I will be traveling to our oldest son’s house for Christmas since they want to have a big family Christmas in their home. I guess the family gathering at Grandma and Grandpa’s is just not as exciting “” or is it the transport of the volume of presents that boggles one’s mind?
Some will no doubt spend the holidays serving meals to homeless people or helping with cleanup efforts along the Gulf Coast. Others, due to their mobility, are able to escape the challenges of cold, snow, and ice. They travel early to warmer climates and spend the holidays as snowbirds in southern areas of the country. They share their holidays with friends that they have made over the years, and maybe their families join them down South.
Wherever the holidays find you, may you have a wonderful time. We have all been blessed in one way or another. It is hoped that we all will spend some time relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. The staff at the FMCA national office extends to you our warmest wishes for a most enjoyable holiday season and a wonderful New Year. But, most of all, we wish you good health and safe travels as you move about this holiday season.
Coming in January 2006
My “Executive Director’s Commentary” in January will highlight the new member benefits that were put in place over the past year. As always, we hope that your membership is of value to you. We encourage you to join FMCA chapters, not only in the area you currently consider home, but also in the locales where you find yourself at this time of year. FMCA chapters are where the fun and fellowship are to be found.