By Marolyn Rinne, F296715
It was a simple question: Does Lubbock, Texas, have an FMCA chapter?
Gary Simmons, F316138, posed it at FMCA’s March 2004 international convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and it led to the launch of a chapter that was officially chartered on May 27 of that year. The Lubbock area is known by some as “the world’s largest cotton patch,” so it seemed quite fitting that the chapter would get its name — Cotton Country Travelers — from this fluffy fiber. Gary became the chapter’s first president; sadly, his name appeared in the “Final Trip” section of Family Motor Coaching in 2012.
Membership expanded over the years to include friends from the Texas towns of Midland, Abernathy, Slaton, Tuscola, Burleson, Graford, Seminole, and our close neighbor, Ransom Canyon, as well as Oklahoma and New Mexico. Today, with a membership that consists of 46 families and one associate, the chapter meets monthly for social outings or travels together to chapter rallies and FMCA events. Numerous friendships have evolved from our tight-knit group of motorhome enthusiasts, and we find ourselves introducing each other as extended family. The friendly nature of West Texans has truly become the very spirit of the organization.
In our 10 years, we have traveled to numerous FMCA events, including international conventions; more than 80 percent of our membership attended FMCA’s Family Reunion in Albuquerque in March 2010. Our members also have attended and volunteered at Six-State (South Central Area) rallies.
Chapter rallies are scheduled at sites where favorable weather should prevail and activities of interest to the membership are available. Fellowship typically involves card and board games. At rallies and socials, wonderful cooks prepare more food than we should ever eat. The group has never strived to be over-organized, but has stressed that the primary purpose is to have fun and enjoy our motorhomes.
Annual chapter dues are $15 per couple and $10 per individual. For more information, contact chapter president Gene Chaney at (806) 829-2899 or (806) 790-6638, or e-mail