President’s Message
By Charlie Schrenkel, L140050, National President
September 2009
Thank you for your trust and confidence in electing me as FMCA’s new national president. I appreciate having the opportunity to serve you for the next two years. We face many challenges in the immediate future; however, I don’t believe the challenges are so large that we, as a strong association, cannot overcome.
Everyone knows that the world’s financial situation has been a detriment to the RV industry “” the industry that we, as motorhomers, are closely tied to. However, we are also closely tied to each other. We love this lifestyle, this freedom to get in our motorhomes at a moment’s notice and travel, even if only on weekends, and we like to share it with each other at every opportunity.
There are many members reading this column who don’t belong to a chapter of FMCA. I wish to remind those folks that there are local chapters in your area that will enhance the use and enjoyment of your RV. Look in the Chapter Directory for a chapter that interests you. The directory was most recently published in the August 2009 issue of FMC (page 111), and a Chapter Search feature is always available online at Or, call the national office at (513) 474-3622 or (800) 543-3622 and ask for Chapter Services to obtain a list of chapters via e-mail or postal mail.
Once you find a chapter or chapters that interest you, know that these folks will be glad to hear from you. And you will open a new era in the use of your RV. Many chapters meet each month in their local area and enjoy new adventures at each rally.
FMCA is an international association. We have many fine chapters in Canada, too, and our Canadian chapter members would welcome you to visit with them. Canada is a beautiful country and absolutely breathtaking at this and other times of the year.
Chapter rallies that are open to all motorhome owners are listed in the “Association Calendar” in each issue of Family Motor Coaching and online at So, get out and enjoy your motorhome.
Another topic that you will read about off and on in my column is membership. Strong membership makes a strong association. It’s been estimated that there are more than one million motorhome owners out there who do not belong to or do not even know about Family Motor Coach Association. It is our goal as chapter members and members at large to increase our membership in the coming months. Membership applications appear in each issue of Family Motor Coaching magazine. In addition, a tear-out three-month free subscription offer appears in every other month for motorhome owners who would like to take FMCA for a “test drive” before joining. When you meet another motorhomer, pass on the magazine, tell him or her about our association, and don’t forget to put your member number on those applications so you get credit for recruiting a new member. If at all possible, try to stay in touch with the new members and invite them along with you when you travel to attend your rallies or other functions in your motorhome. You don’t have to travel far to have fun.
Speaking of rallies, my wife, Jean, and I will have already been to the Northeast Area Rally by the time this column is printed. If you plan to attend the South Central Area Rally in Shawnee, Oklahoma, September 23 through 26, we will see you there.
Whatever you do, enjoy your motorhome. Don’t just park it and polish it; join us and blow the dust off!
Safe and healthy travels.
Help Us Update Our Records
Please keep the FMCA national office informed when your contact information changes. You can make changes to your own membership records at any time at, or by sending an e-mail to Changes also may be submitted by calling the Member Services Department at (513) 474-3622 or (800) 543-3622 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Changes to your membership record can include your home and cell phone numbers, e-mail address, mailing address, and the brand of motorhome you own. We especially urge you to provide your e-mail address if it’s not on file with us. This helps us to contact you quickly in case important issues arise. Your private information is used only for FMCA business purposes.
If you are listed in the “Stoppin’ Spots” directory, which includes Stop Over Spot, Come Visit, Mechanic’s Helper, and Pinch Hit Driver categories, please verify that your information is up-to-date. This list begins on page 235 of the January 2009 issue and is online at (click on “Members” and then on “Member Directory”). If you would like to volunteer and be included in the 2010 listing, contact the FMCA Member Services Department. The deadline for making changes to the 2010 directory is October 30, 2009.