Storage Solution
I grew tired of things rolling off of the slide-out storage tray in my 2004 Monaco Diplomat. At a home-improvement store, I bought 12-inch-by-4-inch-by-1/2-inch birch wood shelving. I cut the pieces to fit the slide-out storage tray. I then used L brackets to fasten the pieces together, and attached them to the slideout using 3/8-inch sheet-metal screws.
Alan Soffe, F447909
Aguanga, California
Bumper Guard
I park my motorhome on an incline in my driveway, and my Mini Cooper barely fits in front of the RV. When I back up the Mini, it is hard to tell how close I am to the RV, and I sometimes would hit it. My solution was to use a rubber dock bumper from my boat. I tie the bumper to the front of the motorhome. Now, if I back the Mini up too far, I just hit the rubber bumper. It may not be pretty, but it works.
Tony Trimarco, F408182
Greenwood Lake, New York
Cap Handle
With no handle on the cap that covers the hole where the sewer hose passes through my motorhome — only two recessed areas, meant for fingers — the cap was difficult to unscrew. My simple solution: I glued a scrap of wood onto the cap to provide a better grip when screwing it in and unscrewing it.
Barry Glunts, F417534
Burlington, Massachusetts