Parts For Smartire Systems
Dear Editor:
Regarding the article titled “Tire Monitoring Systems” in the September 2015 issue (page 46), please inform readers that SmarTire systems still can be repaired. My SmarTire system stopped working …
Readers Write
DC Wiring For CPAP MachineDear Editor:In the September 2015 “Tech & Travel Tips” column (page 27), Ralph Fullenwider, F248513, describes how he installed an inverter to power a CPAP machine (“Inverter Addition”). We purchased a new motorhome in 2013 that, unlike our old coach, did not have an inverter. I also sleep with a CPAP machine, so we were faced with the same issue.
Great Stops
Dear Editor:
Regarding the June 2016 48-day Alaska caravan led by Fantasy RV Tours (advertised on page 11 of the July 2015 issue), I have been to all of the places the caravan will visit, and then some. I highly recommend the trip.Home, Sweet HomeDear Editor:Last year we became RV owners. Before we committed, we did lots of research and attended many shows. We saw those decorative signs RVers display that say “Home is where you park your RV” and thought those must be for full-timers.Drone EtiquetteDear Editor:You had a nice article from Mark Quasius regarding how to use cameras on personal drones (May 2015, “Eyes In The Sky,” page 70). However, Mark failed to list one very important operating guide, which has to do with respecting your neighbors.#ILoveFMCAThe 52nd anniversary of FMCA's founding is July 20, 2015. Leading up to that date, FMCA is encouraging members to share some FMCA love on Facebook.
Suggested Stops Along The Blue Ridge ParkwayDear Editor:The article about the Blue Ridge Parkway in the March 2015 issue (“Springtime On The Blue Ridge Parkway,” page 74) was an excellent description of this 469-mile route.Smart Car TransmissionDear Editor:In the "Towables For 2015" article (January 2015, page 44), the Smart Fortwo listing states in footnote 2 that the vehicle "is equipped with an automatic transmission that allows the driver to select either manual shifting or automatic shifting options." That is incorrect.The Real Cost And Value Of Motorhoming
Dear Editor:In the February 2015 “RV News & Notes” column (page 45), you included the results of a study commissioned by Recreation Vehicle Industry Association about motorhome vacation cost versus other forms of vacation travel (“Motorhomes Shine In Vacation Cost Study”).CorrectionsFMCA 2014 Convention HistoryThe “FMCA Convention History” in the January 2015 issue (page 320), which lists previous FMCA convention dates, locations, and coach counts, erroneously indicated that the 89th and 90th Family Reunions in Perry, Georgia, and Redmond, Oregon, respectively, occurred in 2015.November NotesDear Editor:I almost always read the “President’s Message” columns. I find Charlie Adcock’s messages particularly enjoyable and encouraging. Thanks for sharing not only the "good" stuff but also the challenges we can relate to. It's helpful to us newbies and part-timers.FMC Magazine CollectionDear Editor:We have retired from motorhoming, and we have copies of Family Motor Coaching magazine dating back to 1995. We thought someone might like to have them.FMCA Members, “FMCAssist” Bring Care During CrisisDear Editor:On October 5, 2014, we had just completed a very successful South Central Area “Six-State” Rally in Shreveport, Louisiana, and FMCA members who attended were packing up and departing the state fairgrounds there,Roads, Ferries, And Vikings
Dear Editor:
It was nice to see our little neck of the woods featured in the August 2014 issue. We would like to point out, however, that …Correction: Raceway Permits Motorhomes
FMCA member Doug Hansen, F231205, contacted FMC to let us know the “Drive The Glen” information mentioned in the “New York’s Lively, Lovely Finger Lakes” article (September 2014, page 66) was in error.Corrections
As a result of a production error, the article “Take A Train To The Beach” story (page 66) in the August issue was missing some text.Window Defogging In Florida
After twice going through a “repair” and still having fogged windows return in our motorhome, we finally found Darren Thomas Glass Co. in Sebring, Florida. They replaced our …Family Photo
Dear Editor:
Just finished reading the May 2014 issue. I always read the whole magazine front to back and all ads in between. But what really stuck out in this issue was the “Chapter Spotlight” column about …More Bike Business
I would like to add to the “How to Buy a Bicycle You’ll Love” article in the April 2014 issue (page 46). While I agree with the information presented about the types of bikes and …Older PostsFMCA members have access to exclusive articles and RV tips, plus a digital library of RVing know-how. For full access to website content, plus must-have travel benefits, join FMCA today and get instant access to Family RVing magazine.
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