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motorhome travel
What makes a perfect day during an RV trip? I don’t know about you, but for Jennifer and me, it is a day doing what we want, on no particular timetable, and blessed by surprises.
Enjoying fresh, local produce is one of the pleasures of motorhoming. Farmers' markets and fruit and vegetable stands pepper the highways during the growing season. Buying from farmers and growers during our travels gives us the freshest food and connects us to people of the land in a way that supermarket purchases cannot.
My wife, Jennifer, calls our Roadtrek CS Adventurous XL our “Adventure-mobile.” And maybe because of that attitude, I’ve tended to live in the moment a bit more often than I should. As soon as I got in the motorhome and we took off, I let my guard down and went into vacation mode. This is not a good idea for prolonged periods of time. I learned that the hard way.Where's a great place to get a piece of pie in your hometown or on the road?Fresh air fills my lungs as I take a deep breath, step off the platform, and fly 730 feet through the trees. A stream weaves 30 feet below me and tree limbs fly past at 25 miles per hour.
How do you keep in touch with family and friends when you’re on the road?
Motorhome travelers, especially those who are full-timers, have a sleep advantage over travelers who must rely on hotel beds, their friends’ guest rooms, or couch surfing. We can outfit the motorhome with the right bed, pillows, and bed linens.
My wife, Laura, and I have owned a motorhome since 1998. We became FMCA members in 2005 and joined a local FMCA chapter two years later. I wish we would have joined both much sooner. The benefits of FMCA membership are too numerous to mention here.
Whether your next motorhome trip is a weekend away or a months-long journey — or somewhere in between — proper preparation can make it go much more smoothly.