Tech Talk
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Water Saver We don’t want our RV’s gray-water tank to fill quickly when we are camping without a sewer connection. So, when we are doing dishes, washing hands, or the…
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Monitoring All Tires This is a reminder about the need for a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that alerts a motorhome driver to problems on a towed vehicle. While touring…
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September 2018 Fuel Bib To prevent fuel stains down the side of my motorhome, I made a bib from Dicor rubber roof material (other material also could be used). I…
The following recall notices are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To search for recalls, investigations, and complaints by vehicle year, make, model, and VIN, visit NHTSA’s…
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Fire Extinguisher Recall The recall of millions of Kidde fire extinguishers has been widely reported, including in this magazine, but it bears repeating. The recall involves 134 models of Kidde…
The following recall notices are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To search for recalls, investigations, and complaints by vehicle year, make, model, and VIN, visit NHTSA’s…
The following recall notices are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To search for recalls, investigations, and complaints by vehicle year, make, and model, visit NHTSA’s Vehicle…
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Sealed Tight Make sure you have all sealants checked once a year and that the correct sealant is used. We learned the hard way when we had a leak where…
The following recall notices are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To search for recalls, investigations, and complaints by vehicle year, make, and model, visit NHTSA’s Vehicle…
Storage Solution Our 2005 Fleetwood Excursion motorhome came with a washer/dryer combination, which we never used. What we needed was more space to store things, such as paper plates, cups,…
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The following recall notices are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To search for recalls, investigations, and complaints by vehicle year, make, and model, visit NHTSA’s Vehicle…
Finding “ACC” In Escalade I outfitted my 2016 Cadillac Escalade with Blue Ox equipment to make it flat towable. One of the steps in the flat-towing procedure calls for the…
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The following recall notices are from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). To search for recalls, investigations, and complaints by vehicle year, make, and model, visit NHTSA’s Vehicle…
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Faded Decal Removal
I have a 2003 Type C motorhome with Dutchmen logo decals that are faded and cracked. What is the best way to remove them?
In the November “Tech Talk” (page 18), Tim Scowden said his alignment had been adjusted six times but his tires were still wearing out at an unacceptable rate. I have found that many alignment and RV shops do not know what they are doing when it comes to alignment. At one shop, the person I spoke with didn’t even know what caster is.