July 2017
July 2017
By Charlie Adcock, F311374
July 2017Hello, My Fellow FMCA Family. With my time as FMCA national president drawing to a close, this is my second to last “President’s Message” column. My, how the time has flown by. It seems as though June 19, 2013, just happened. That’s when I was first elected to serve you as your national president. It’s been a very busy four years, but I will save all that for my farewell column next month.
In the February “Tech Talk,” the owner of a 2005 Monaco Dynasty said his starter sometimes engages on the first turn of the key, but other times it takes up to 10 tries to engage (“Shaky Starter,” page 18). I had a 2004 Monaco Safari Trek with a similar starter issue (a click, click, click sound, and no start).
The following companies have recalls delineated in this month’s Recall Corner: Foretravel Inc., Thor Motor Coach, Winnebago Industries.
Darrell and Grace Gilliland, F153488, retired in 1992, bought a motorhome, and joined FMCA. As much as Grace relished the opportunity to travel, she delighted in the lasting friendships that formed along the way.
By Phyllis Avella, F424750
As we grow older and fondly remember our youth, maybe sometimes we wish we could go back in time and relive some of those moments. Well, people had an opportunity to do just that at the South Texas Renegades rally held April 6 to 9, 2017, at Braunig Lake RV Resort in Elmendorf, Texas. The rally was a celebration of the chapter’s 38th anniversary.
By Martha Cavanaugh, F242623
The Carolina Guroos chapter held a rally February 16 to 19, 2017, at Southern Palms RV Resort in Eustis, Florida. Attendees consisted of 26 FMCA members in 13 motorhomes, along with six guests, including C.B. Edwards, an officer for FMCA’s Eastern Area Motorhome Association …
By Beverly Martin, F324152
Rally in the Pasture, or R.I.P., is an FMCA chapter that holds an annual rally hosted by FMCA national president Charlie Adcock and his wife, Gloria, in Searcy, Arkansas. This year the Rally in the Pasture took place April 24 through 28. Once again, we enjoyed several days of fun and friendship.
Members of this chapter ride the rails of the western United States.
By Peggy Jordan, Associate Editor
July 2017New Generations Of RVers
Even as baby boomers continue to discover the lifestyle, the RV industry is seeing younger people join the ranks to enjoy the fun and freedom recreation vehicles bring.
By Mike Wendland, F426141
Try your hand at recipes inspired by Alabama’s Gulf Coast cuisine.
By Janet Groene, F47166
Are you one of those folks who never met a pastry you didn’t like? If so, you’ll want to read about the “sweet spots” below. This month’s topic:
A surge protector helps safeguard your motorhome against a variety of electrical problems.
By Mark Quasius, F333630
July 2017A new Type B motorhome from the Winnebago Touring Coach Division.
By Lazelle Jones
July 2017RV trips are great opportunities to show young travelers easy ways to stay active — without even thinking about it.
By Stefany Adinaro, F439400
July 2017Along with family seaside attractions, this South Carolina city boasts an impressive number of music theaters and live shows.
By Pam Windsor
July 2017Become acquainted with this easy-to-learn, fun-to-play court sport that is taking the RV world by storm.
By Alan Neff, F358232
July 2017