November 2016
The 360 Siphon RV holding tank vent cap is designed to create an updraft that forces fumes out of the tanks.
An entrepreneur rents a different type of RV that enables campers to see his beautiful country on their own terms.
The area around Tallahassee, Florida, is often referred to as the “Real Florida.” It’s missing a multitude of condos and parking lots. Instead, large swaths of unspoiled forests and bear-crossing signs are seen, with a few grand old Southern mansions for flair. The crowds in the southern part of the state rarely find their way up here.
On the day his life changed forever — May 15, 1975 — Ronnie Graves, F249255, was working at a fertilizer plant in Council Bluffs, Iowa. To prevent a foreman from being struck, Ronnie stepped between two railroad cars to set a brake. One of the cars knocked Ronnie down, and a wheel ran over his lower left leg.
As witnessed elsewhere in the United States, in small-town Oregon, community renewal has often centered on city face-lifts achieved by painted murals. Colorful scenes decorate aging structures and naked concrete to tell a community’s story.
Eyes orange-red in the glow of headlights, the nighttime marauder creates terror in the hearts of grasshoppers, crickets, grubs, and grapes. Well, not grapes, of course. But there isn’t much a raccoon will not eat.
Jean Pryor, L12913, was presented the Kenneth T. Scott Pipe Dreamer's Award by FMCA national president Charlie Adcock during the annual membership meeting in West Springfield, Massachusetts.