May 2011
Refrigerator Facts
I have a 1996 American Eagle with a Dometic side-by-side refrigerator. It won’t maintain the cold when in the electric mode. The freezer works fine, but the refrigerator does not stay cold.
May 2011
Refrigerator Facts
I have a 1996 American Eagle with a Dometic side-by-side refrigerator. It won’t maintain the cold when in the electric mode. The freezer works fine, but the refrigerator does not stay cold.  Â
With the 2011 Platinum II and the 241XL DT floor plan, Coach House has hit a sweet spot in the luxury Type C motorhome market; the coach carries a price tag of approximately $173,000 when fully equipped.
Not often does a service provider have a positive impact on all segments of a given industry. The RV Safety & Education Foundation (RVSEF) fits that bill nicely within the RV industry. RVSEF is not only the RVing public’s best friend, but many motorhome builders in the RV industry have benefitted from its dedication as well.
Family Motor Coach Association’s 85th Family Reunion and Motorhome Showcase, held March 14-17 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter in Perry, provided RVers a jump-start to spring as they assembled for fun, friendship, education, and entertainment in the heart of the Peach State.
Good news! This August, the Family Motor Coach Association will hold its 86th Family Reunion and Motorhome Showcase in Madison, Wisconsin. And “Mad Town,” as the city is affectionately called, is a place where you do not need “mad money” to see most attractions. Many are free!
Some parts of the United States come up in conversation among travel buffs more often than others, and Door County, Wisconsin, ranks as one of them. But is this a worthwhile destination for motorhomers? We think so!
One of the great benefits of being an FMCA member is the wonderful staff we have doing the work of the association in Cincinnati. Have you ever thought about how many weeks and days go into 42 years of service? Well, it is a bit mind-boggling.
In order to shed more light on the operation of FMCA, I thought it would be a good idea for each department director to write a little something about his or her background and to explain the responsibilities associated with their position and how the staff plays a key role in what gets accomplished. I have asked Pamela Kay, director of communications, to start this off.Â
So Many Swirls!
Dear Editor:
I noted with a longstanding interest the comments by Mel Smith (“Simplify Exterior ‘Designs,'” Readers’ Forum, February 2011, page 12) about RV exterior designs. For years I have been puzzled by the freestyle swirls, appliques, and paint treatments on motorhomes and RVs in general.
Companies with recalls detailed in this month’s Recall Corner are Caterpillar Inc., Entegra Coach, Prevost, Thor Motor Coach, and Winnebago Industries Inc.
Frozen Holding Tanks
Dear RV Doctor:
I think I really messed up. Last night the temperature dropped to minus 5 degrees. I thought about the fresh water and left it dripping at a faucet, but I never thought about the black and gray holding tanks.
Screen Door Handle
The screen door on my motorhome can be opened only with the outside handle. To solve this problem, I made a handle pull, which was inexpensive and easy to do.
William H. Davern, A49346, who served as Rocky Mountain Area national vice president from 1996 through 1999, passed away on March 1, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona.
Fish Lure Enhancer
According to product literature from Lunkerhunt, Spicy Bites scent capsules are made for anglers looking for a long-lasting attractant to enhance their tubes or lures.
Clinton Birthplace Home Established As National Historic Site
The President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site in Hope, Arkansas, was officially announced as the 394th park in the National Park System following legislation signed by President Obama on March 30, 2009.
Every time we see Canada geese flying overhead, we are reminded of our personal calendar of seasons, which is much more inexact.
Here are some easy ways to use the simple spiral as a way to turn everyday dishes into something more special.
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